A few photos of train workings in 2002 around the Geraldton area.
I have included this photo to show that it is worth photographing even the everyday scene
on the railway. We photographed DA1574 at Bunbury, Merredin and Geraldton with its AWR logos. Yet less than a month later
from when this photo was taken 1574 now carries ARG logos. It is interesting to also contrast the end paint schemes on this
photo and 1572 below which carries the yellow Westrail livery.
DA1572 unloads a Talc train at the Geraldton Port at lunchtime on
15 August 2002. The Talc train normally unloads at the Port during the night and only on rare occasions is it seen during
the day.
P2007/DA1572 haul a combined ballast & coal train
through the green crops on the Greenough "Flats" on 8 September 2002 heading to Narngulu.